2nd Biennial Symposium of Association Forensic Odontology and Human Rights (AFOHR)

Turin (Italy), 12th-14th October 2023The 2nd Biennial Symposium of the Association of Forensic Odontology for Human Rights (AFOHR) in 2023, was organized in collaboration with the Section of Legal Medicine, Department of Public Health and Paediatric Sciences of the University of Turin, Italy, and a satellite event organized by the Italian Academy of Legal and Forensic Dentistry (OL-F).  
AFOHR is the first association promoting best practices in human identification and age estimation through humanitarian forensic odontology for the purpose of preventing human rights violations. The need for promoting human rights in the recovery and identification of missing and unidentified persons was first presented by forensic odontologist Emilio Nuzzolese (Italy) at the 9th International Dental Ethics and Law Society (IDEALS) Congress 2012, Leuven (Belgium). This idea gave birth to the group FO4HR-dentifyme on the 5th May 2015 during the Interpol DVI meeting in Lyon (France), which then evolved into association with the new acronym AFOHR (Association Forensic Odontology and Human Rights). The association is a rooster of volunteer experts in forensic odontology and other areas of forensics from over 30 countries.  
Emerging trends and practices in forensic odontology have successfully spread across the globe for humanitarian forensic odontology, bringing together researchers, academics, and learners to serve nations. AFOHR, which promotes humanitarian forensic odontology and forensics, has been working tirelessly since 2015 to prevent human rights violations, joining hands with other experts in forensics from over thirty different countries.
The 2nd Biennial Symposium of Association Forensic Odontology for Human Rights with the theme Challenges in Human Identification, ncluded several interesting keynote talks from internationally renowned and experienced speakers in the field of forensic odontology, forensic pathology, forensic sciences, and forensic anthropology, along with the workshop by noted researchers and academicians. (Group photo)   The pre-conference workshops were held on 12th October 2023 on the topics of Dental Age Estimation by Prof. Roberto Cameriere, Dr. Denise Piano, Dr. Leonardo Catalini, and Humanitarian Forensic Odontology: Best practices in human identification by Dr. Evi Untoro, Dr. Sven Benthaus, Dr. Ranjeet Singh, Dr. Hemlata Pandey and Prof. Emilio Nuzzolese.
On 13th October 2023, the symposium started with the Welcome Speech by Organising Chairman, Emilio Nuzzolese. It was followed by the Presidential Address by Dr. Hemlata Pandey. Dr. Nuzzolese and Dr. Pandey welcomed Dr. Jane Taylor, Regional Forensic Manager for Eurasia, International Committee of Red Cross (ICRC). (Group photo, if available)   Keynote Speakers on Day 1 of the conference were Prof. Akiko Kumagai (Iwate Medical University, Japan), Prof. Rakesh Gorea (Forensic Pathologist, India), Prof. Petra Urbanova (Forensic Anthropologist, HoD Masaryk University, Czechoslovakia), Prof. Raffaella Bianucci (Paleopathologist, University of Turin), Prof. Wendy Velezmoro (Univesidad Cientifica del Sur, Peru), Dr. Elena Chierto (Forensic Biologist, University of Turin).
There were 11 paper presentations in the form of oral free communications on the 13th October 2023. The oral communications were moderated by Dr. Jane Taylor (Regional Forensic Manager for Eurasia with the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)), Prof. Danilo De Angelis (Professor, Forensic Pathology, University of Turin, Italy) and Prof. Akiko Kumagai (Professor, Forensic Odontology, University of Iwate, Japan). The John Clement Award for best presentation was awarded to Dr. Candy Kgabi, Student – MSc Forensic Dentistry, University of Dundee, Scotland, UK for her presentation on “Tradition to trend: Unravelling the Evolution of Dental Modifications in Africa”.
The Turin Declaration on Humanitarian Forensic Odontology was signed by members of AFOHR (in person and virtually). This declaration aims to define humanitarian forensic odontology and to establish key principles specific to the field of forensic odontology in the contest for best practices in human identification and age estimation and human rights violations.
On the 14th October 2023, the keynote speakers were Dr. Sven Benthaus (ETAF Company), Dr. Fabrizio Pace (President Association Penelope Piemonte), Dr. Hemlata Pandey, University of Dundee, UK Presidency of AFOHR was handed over from President (2021 – 23) Dr. Hemlata Pandey to President (2023 -25) Dr. Emilio Nuzzolese. The newly elected AFOHR Board took over the Executive board.
AFOHR Board, 2023 – 2025: Prof. Emilio Nuzzolese – President, Dr. Evi Untoro – President-Elect, Dr. Hemlata Pandey – Immediate Past President, Dr. Ranjeet Singh – Honorary Secretary , Dr. Neeraj Taneja – Treasurer , Dr. Selena Leow, Dr. Akiko Kumagai, Dr. Jayasankar Pillai – Editor, Dr. Wassim Rihawi – Newsletter Editor, Khalid Khalid, Prof. Ymelda Wendy Velezmoro, Dr. Judith Prado Pagniez, Prof. Ivana Cukovic Bagic, Dr. Francesca Zangari, Dr. Mario Torreggianti, Dr. Oscar Heit, Dr.
Hemlata Pandey, Immediate Past President, congratulated Dr. Emilio Nuzzolese for successfully hosting the 2nd Biennial Symposium of Association Forensic Odontology and Human Rights. She thanked Prof. Nuzzolese and his team for the wonderful arrangements and organizing a remarkable forum for knowledge, inviting scientists, academics, researchers, and learners under one roof to share and encourage new technologies and trends, with the purpose of improving the human identification process and respecting the human rights of the deceased.